Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

For the User.

Yukimazan is a warrior who posseses a folding fan that could cut 1000 trees with a throw or a swing. He is mostly talented in strategies and tactics during war.

Yukimazan Adventure Series[]

In Yukimazan Adventure Series, he is the main protangonist and helps The Fan to unify the Fantendo Kingdom. In episode 62, he receives his new Koopa Form.

Human Form

Primary weapon: Folding Fan, Black Peace

Secondary weapon: Five Jade Sword

Ultimate attack: He throws his fan while it goes around him one leaving bombs on the ground. When the fan went back to Yukimazan, he detonates the bombs. For Black Peace, he creates a portal with diamond shaped rocks coming out of it and then the rocks connects and fires black lasers at the opponent.

Koopa Form

Primary weapon: Divine Strike, Black Peace


"I trade my soul with a demon. I may die a thousand times, but I will always be....reborn."

"My duty is to fix the time of humanity. If anything goes wrong, I would just have to replace, repair or perhaps.....exterminate for peace."

"I am no god, yet I am feared by all."

