Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Here's a little picture-preview of Kid Kiba II, featuring a subtitle (hard to read) and the bosses. The arrows point to the next boss.

  • Devilia - A beetle-like evil bug who uses webs and acid.
  • Fangediizk (Fango) - A wolf-puff thing that uses his claws as swords.
  • Octopi (Ock-TOE-pee) - A supervillain octopus with powerful tentacles.
  • Curll Fangg - Curll is a vampire with one huge curled fang. He is quick.
  • Captain Orcy - Is a puffy sea pirate. He may look cute, but is downright evil.
  • Branianiac - Branianiac is a brainiac, and a Celstik (a stupid species named after celery). He has a hump behind his mouth.
  • Cubivore X - A carnivore box-thing with legs. He will try and eat you. He is named after Cubivores.
  • Mischief Bros. - Two mischievious blobs of goo, one who is logical, and one who is an idiot and will just go ahead and attack. The logical one is on the left, while the attacker is on the right.
  • Stumpd - Stumpd is a tree-dwarf who will smash you with his club-like arms.
  • Ghoster - Ghoster is the ghost of the evil wizard (who's name escapes me) from the first game. He uses many magical abilities.

The allies of yours (all of which will be playable) will also be:

  • Kid Kiba (Main hero)
  • Samantha Chi (Secondary hero)
  • Jack N. Retnal
  • Kriip E. Kraularr
  • Franky Stine
  • Chikyū-gai no (Real name: #!?$$>}!%)

Also, the subtitle for Kid Kiba II (which will be a Japanese-only subtitle) will be 闇の伝説 (Yami no densetsu/Legends of Darkness).
