Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

ShinySnivyStudios ShinySnivyStudios 30 July 2016

I'm leaving for good.

So, it's been a while, huh? That's right...I haven't made a contribution to Fantendo since April 11. (Please tell me what has happened since then.) That's because I was taking a break from it and thinking about what to do now. And, my final verdict was...starting today, I won't make any more contributions to the wiki for one reason: you guys don't care about me.

Why was that? It was very simple. If I made one single fuck-up, you guys would lose the capacity to care about me. I found this out the hard way on March 21. Ever since then, I wrote two blogs; one which had no comments, and one which had one comment: "K". It was at this moment when I realized I'd fucked up.

Also, I can't stop going on this one app called Amino. Everybody's nice there…

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ShinySnivyStudios ShinySnivyStudios 31 March 2016

A New Me

Hey. In case if you're wondering, I'll cut to the chase already: starting today, there's going to be a new ShinySnivyStudios, and this time, he'll be as normal as he possibly could. So, I'm going to set myself some new rules:

  • No more complaining and insulting. If I do so, the consequences will be absolutely deadly. I once called a person a "retarded fucking asshole."
  • I will post blogs about common topics, even if I know nothing about it or have no interest in it. I do have one request: what are some common topics in blogs?
  • I will not post a picture of myself anymore, because if you look at what I look like in real life, I look like a fucking duck's twat.
  • No more begging for comments, inside and out. The only things comments do is that they rem…
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ShinySnivyStudios ShinySnivyStudios 24 March 2016

Omega Games: Project Alpha

Hi. Before I say anything else, my last blog has been a disaster. Go on. See for yourself.

Anyway, I bet you are wondering what I have planned for the next week. No? Well, I've decided that I'm taking my company, Omega Games, to the next level. Starting next week, I am initiating Omega Games: Project Alpha.

What this project is is a mutation of Omega Games and Alpha Games. Alpha Games is a small company that I founded over on Fantendo II Wiki. That company wasn't successful; it closed its doors. However, Omega Games picked it up, and now, my company is initiating what I call a "power play."

What you can expect from this project is a whole new frontier on my company. Omega Games will be releasing a new video game system called the "Omega XY" an…

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ShinySnivyStudios ShinySnivyStudios 21 March 2016

Live Action Phineas and Ferb Movie in 2K16

Hey everybody, I'm back after my awfully short spring break! Sure, I reflected on my huge mistakes I have made in the past, but who cares? I recently confessed my sins to Sans, and things between me and Muffet are going extremely well! Today, I'm going to tell you all an idea I had for quite some time. (Here's a reminder: you can rant all you want about this blog, and I will rant with you. This blog is meant to be ranted!) Okay, here we go!

In fifth grade, I saw a movie poster project by one of my classmates...for a live-action Phineas and Ferb movie. The only two roles (of four) I could remember were DRAKE as PHINEAS and JOSH as PERRY. Yeah, you heard me right: JOSH as PERRY THE FUCKING PLATYPUS. (And it's the Drake and Josh from that Nickelodeon show…

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ShinySnivyStudios ShinySnivyStudios 10 February 2016

I'm Back

Hey, it's me again. Before you say anything, I would like to say thank you all for making me feel better after that blog post I made 5 (or is it 6?) days ago. I feel so happy now that everybody's an asshole, but you can just put those mean comments in the garbage disposal. In fact, I am so happy that I would like to ask you all a few questions.

  • 1: If you love Undertale, who is your favorite character?
  • 2: Why is he/she your favorite?
  • 3: How much do you like him/her? Is he/she your favorite video game character?
  • 4: How do you think he/she ended up in the place where he/she is today?
  • 5: If you can hang out with him/her for a day, what would you do together?

Why did I ask questions? Well, it's just so I could know you guys a bit better. Anyway, here…

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