Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Zeevaart Schip[]

Zeevaart Schip is the first ghost. Zeevaart is male and speaks with a sort of an accent, but not in an annoying manner. He is found haunting a roleplaying community, at which his old real-life self used to play an only-slightly cliched pirate. Zeevart means Seafaring in Dutch, and Schip means Vessel in Dutch.

Okkult Stier[]

Okkult Stier is the second ghost. Okkult is female and speaks quietly and nicely, but sometimes her voice changes to a sort of an alien-sounding tone. Okkult is found haunting a creepypasta community, at which his old real-life self used to investigate happenings of stories such as Slenderman in real life. Okkult means Occult in Danish, and Stier means Paths in Danish.

Okkult sort-of knew Zeevaart, but only a little. They found eachother a little annoying but they did not dislike eachother.
