Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Drak asked about what was going to be the big twist in the grand finale of Fantendo the Animated Series, which it was going to be written by myself. He asked me to post it on his PM, but I thought about it and since many people liked the show and that it ended without most of the episodes not being written so I decided to make it public.

So here it is, the FTaS finale.

So the show was going to end on the episode, One Step to Oblivion or something about it. It would begin with Mary Sue gaining the power to rewrite reality itself. She would be able to find out what Unten and his friends would do. So she outrights kills them, but she spares Unten. She would make him relive that moment over and over again, as a punishment for everything he did for her. Unten tries to kill Mary Sue but he fails every times. He later discovers that since he is basically in a void of reality which is techincally linked to Mary Sue, he discovered that only thing linked between the void of reality and Mary Sue would be able to stop this. He was that thing. Unten then would kill himself to spare his friends, while killing Mary Sue on the process. However, doing so, would make reality shatters and it would create a new one, in which it would leave to Fantendo After, a comic book that would take place after the events. Unten's remains from his past life would be transferred to Data's and Scratch's memory, while other character's personality traits would be also changed. And so, Weststar would be just a plain planet. And the characters would have to find a new house, in which they meet Promotheus, a god which has unspeakable power. Fantendo After would be all about if they should trust him or not. Eventually, they discover that Promotheus is actually the remains of the past dimension Mary Sue and the other FTAS villians. So, they decide to defeat Promotheus, they manage to do so and that would break Promotheus in two, the White God and the Black God. And so, the Fantendoverse as we know would born. And this also would be linked to Fantendo Chronicles (2013). In which, Mary Sue reborns as The Writer, a being that is able to rewrite story itself. And so The Writer creates the corruption in the heroes, making them kill each other at one point that the world simply has no one living anymore. The gods would reunite themselves to form Promotheus once again, but they find out that Promotheus can be controlled by The Writer. They manage to defeat the Writer and the world would go back to zero once again, but all of the moments (Zeon's destruction for example) would repeat once again. Mary Sue's spirit was purged for eternity and so the Fantendoverse would rest in piece once again.

This is also the reason to why I haven't continued to do the Fantendo Chronicles story.
