Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Fantendo Journey Enemy
Time Bug
HP 100
Defense 30
Speed 50
Attack 350
Experience Gained 500
Coins Dropped 5
Location(s) Anywhere
Special Moves Rush Attack

Time Bite

Fantendo Journey Enemy
Attack Time Bug
HP 120
Defense 30
Speed 50
Attack 500
Experience Gained 100
Coins Dropped 5
Location(s) Anywhere
Special Moves Rush Attack

Time Bite
Fire Bomb

Fantendo Journey Enemy
Speed Time Bug
HP 120
Defense 30
Speed 150
Attack 350
Experience Gained 100
Coins Dropped 5
Location(s) Anywhere
Special Moves Rush Attack

Time Bite
Ice Bomb

Time Bugs are an enemy from the crossover game Fantendo Journey. They attack the player whenever their Paradox stat is over 50% until it is lowered. They become more powerful as the Paradox stat increased, until they are almost impossible to defeat.



Normal Time Bugs occur in almost every instance or attack, and have no special attributes to seperate them from the others. 


Attack Time Bugs usally appear in hot areas and when the Paradox stat is over 65%. They have high attack as a stat, and are powerful opponents.


Speed Time Bugs usally appear in cold areas and when the Paradox stat is over 75%. They have high speed as a stat, and are difficult opponents.
