Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

This is the first world of Super Mario: Panel Panic.



World 1-1[]

Title Panel Field
Description Panel Field is the first level of the game. Mario starts near a boat on the shore of a lake, which he presumably used to arrive at the level. Mario needs to continue through the level, heading along a path with some trees, giant blocks, hills, and more interesting features. Mario can use items such as the Mushroom and Fire Flower for the beginning of the level. At the checkpoint, Mario needs to turn back and find the Super Hammer in a brick block, which he has to use to break a wall that contains the Koopa Troopa Ability Panel. He can use the panel to break a big brick wall at the end of the level, revealing a star.
Ability Panels in level Koopa Troopa Ability Panel SMPP: Found right before the checkpoint.
Ability Panels needed Koopa Troopa Ability Panel SMPP: To break a giant brick wall at the end.

World 1-2[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-3[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-Fortress[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-4[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-5[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-6[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA

World 1-Castle[]

Title TBA
Description TBA
Ability Panels in level TBA
Ability Panels needed TBA