Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Queen Sectonia Valtire Female
Unknown lbs
500 years old Valtire Vampire
Queen Sectonia Valtire (2019)

Sectonia Valtire, Queen of the Valtires

FULL NAME Queen Sectonia Valtire
POWERS Wound and disease curing
Darkness power
Blood Drain
Disease immunity
BIRTHDAY June 3rd 1518 (Earth-relative)
ALIGNMENT Neutral (lean to Good)
OCCUPATION(S) Valtire Queen

Unknown at the moment


Watching the stars during night
Peaceful places
Potion experimentation


Pointless violence
Untrustworthy people
Forced disasters
Mass panic





You should at least realize the damage you could inflict and had inflicted before your fate would end up worse.
— Sectonia, calling out an irresponsible person

Queen Sectonia Valtire, also known as Sectonia Valtire or just Sectonia, is the Secretverse counterpart of Queen Sectonia from the Kirby franchise. She is the first Valtire Vampire after managing to make a potion that allows immortality at the side-effect to become a vampire, in order to keep her Valtire Kingdom to preserve.

Physical Description[]

Sectonia Valtire is a wasp-like person with limbless, floating black gloves, with a dark blue head and purple eyes. She also have lighter blue antennas and a golden crown with a red amethyst shaped as a heart, in addition of two short collars on each side and another, longer one she wears behind.

She wears a dark blue and black dress, two puffy shoulders with dark pink spiny lines. Her dress also have yellow hues between the blue and black part of her dress.

Underneath her dress is her perpetually changing abdomen that changes from yellow (as shown in her art) to dark blue and vice versa. Her wings are covered by golden lines.


Sectonia Valtire tend to speak in posh manner, even when angered, as well as try to stay as polite as possible. She will only stop being polite if she is pushed too far, and even so her punishment tend to be swift and avoid doing overkill.

Although usually try to stay out of conflicts she is not involved into, she tend to be severe to those who dares to put a jeopardy to her Valtire Kingdom and will not hesitate to send some of her servants to put a stop to this. That said, she do enjoy fighting and may politely ask for a spar with one of her allies or even servants. When fighting, she tend to giggles at most, and when using her more powerful attacks, she ends up straight up laughing, which can either intimidate or annoys her opponent depended on what that opponent is.

She cares deeply about the responsibility she have to accomplish when it comes to protect her kingdom, but knows that because of her immortality, she have to be prepare to be hurt or even destroyed. Shall her kingdom become damaged, she becomes iffy but can quickly calm down. If her kingdom is ever destroyed, she will try to have the surviving witnesses to come along and move into another, safer location.

If anyone requests to join her kingdom as a villager, she wouldn't mind as long as they do not put the life of other Valtire Vampires into danger. If someone wants to become a Valtire Vampire, she will only allows this to people she deems trustworthy and loyal enough, as she considers being a Valtire Vampire being high-ranked with high responsibility.

She tend to be annoyed when her face got dirty or otherwise messed up, but only to the point of scolding the perpetrator (if any). She also willing to accept her faults if she saw that her plans didn't work, and never blame anyone for failures unless if the failure have a heavy cost and that those who failed had done so in a deliberate fashion.

The moment she trusted someone, she expects loyalty and dignity. When this happens, she is very serious about it; shall the trusted person showed a lack of loyalty and hurtful cowardice, Sectonia will immediately become distrustful toward that person. It would take a reasonably long time before she could trust the person again, assuming they went into genuine loyalty, but alas not all people learned their lesson when it comes to her.

Although she can be very flirtatious with a male of any species, she prefers to keep it healthy in both normal and romantic relationships, wanting to be dominant but not to the point of completely controlling the male. If anyone she dislikes try to be dominant to her, she will not listen and even fights back if an assault will ensue.


Her main element is darkness, allowing her to see thorough even the densest darkness and capable of manipulating shadows as attacks. She is also capable of both flight and teleportation, but she can only teleport up to 2 miles away.

Her main weapon is the Dark Locks, a short staff with a thin rapier installed in the bottom end. It is capable of locking a being of any size and any power by trapping them in a cubic forcefield, only breakable by powerful light and EX Energy. Anyone who's purely evil or lacked emotions can be locked for longer time, but those with a pure heart or full of emotions can break earlier. The locking can last for up to a minute, but last up to a full year if the target is purely evil.

She is fully immune to all diseases, even to terminal ills. That said, she can still transforms the others into Valtire Vampires by biting them and leave them slightly dizzy during the transformation. Unlike folklore vampires, she have no problems with being exposed to sunlight - in fact, she is also immune to sunburn - but light-based attacks can still hurt her, especially the aforementioned EX Energy.

Although she is capable of blood drain, she will end up having sharing some characteristics with the species she drained the blood from for up to an hour. She might gain larger fangs from an orc, or a long hair from an elf, or even turn gigantic from a giant.

Her physical strength is fairly good, nowhere as good to be compared to Versapex and King Cube KiloBot, but still capable of effortlessly lift an average human being and can throw a large rock at up to a mile away.









  • Unlike the original Queen Sectonia and Exa-Sectonia from Story Break, Sectonia Valtire is considered neutral by focusing on her own kingdom and does not want to meddle in businesses she isn't involved into. That said, she is much more well-meaning than the other two.
    • This is because the creator, Samtendo09 (tbc), doesn't want to create another Sectonia AU counterpart that is still villainous.