Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Pokémon Lunar
Pokémon Solar
Developer(s) 03 Games
Publisher(s) Logo
Platform(s) Fantendo 3DS
August 15th, 2013

Pokémon Lunar and Solar are Pokemon games by 03 Games.


Lunar Version[]

A young Pokemon trainer heads to the region of Luno for a brand new adventure! There are many things including Lunix, the legendary Pokemon.

As the trainer begins their adventure they discover a lab of a professor who is trying to create a brand-new Pokemon and he creates three. You must pick from one of them for your starter Pokemon. Your friend comes and picks the one strong against you.

You leave to explore the world and become the champion! But there is an evil shadowy figure who calls himself Rozervat. He is stealing Pokemon to get their DNA and create a new type, but will he succeed?

Solar Version[]

A young Pokemon trainer heads to the region of Solo for a brand new adventure! There are many things including Solak, the legendary Pokemon.

As the trainer begins their adventure they discover a lab of a professor who is trying to create a brand-new Pokemon and he creates three. You must pick from one of them for your starter Pokemon. Your friend comes and picks the one strong against you.

You decide to roam the world and become the champion! But there is an old woman who is trying to kill all the Pokemon in the world! And you are the only person in the world who can stop her!

