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The Kresthitan Calender (abbreviated as FC for Fox Calender) is the primarily-used calender on Aeo, created by the Kresthitan Empire. The Kresthitan Calender has 365 days a year, much like Earth, divided into ten thirty-six day months (with exception for the Month of the Emperor, which has five extra days known as the Festival of Alrarl).


The month names relate to the card names from the Fox Deck.

  • Month of Dirt
  • Month of Flowers
  • Month of Trees
  • Month of Tribals
  • Month of Animals
  • Month of Slaves
  • Month of the People
  • Month of Foxes
  • Month of the Agents
  • Month of the Emperor


Each season is 90 days long, with exception to the Emperor's Season which is 95 days long to account for the Festival of Alrarl. The seasons are somewhat inaccurate, as the same calender is used in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres where the seasons differ.

The two Solstices, the longest and shortest days of the year, occur during the Emperor's Season and Bane Season respectively.

  • New Season: From the start of the year to halfway through the Month of Trees. It is the equivalent of Earth's Autumn or Fall.
  • Bane Season: From halfway through the Month of Trees to the end of the Month of Animals. It is the equivalent of Earth's Winter.
  • Sky Season: From the beginning of the Month of Slaves to halfway through the Month of Foxes. It is the equivalent of Earth's Spring.
  • Emperor's Season: From halfway through the Month of Foxes to the end of the Month of the Emperor. It is the equivalent of Earth's Summer.