Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

This boxart is so much fail. I'm not talking about it being hand-drawn by pencil, I'm talking about it being all wrong. Haven't you seen an actual 3DS box? ShroobyrightShroobarioMessage!Shroobyleft

I do think that 3DS boxarts should be made after the template is revealed, but people on VGBoxart are doing something similar. The worst part of the pic is that it was taken with a bad camera. Mcboo-idle-MLMcBooMcboo-idle-ML

The template was already revealed. <_< Together with the 3DS, at E3. |: ShroobyrightShroobarioMessage!Shroobyleft

The box template? Really?! Mcboo-idle-MLMcBooMcboo-idle-ML

Yes, but I won't share it with none of you non-observers. ShroobyrightShroobarioMessage!Shroobyleft
