Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

24 years old, born August 6. Tsubame Takara, also known as NintenBlasts, is the only girl of the Nintengers.


Tsubame Takara


Tsubame Takara grew up in Tokyo, fascinated by ancient artifacts. When she graduated college, she joined a Archaeologist team.

In the year 2013, she returned to Tokyo, and witnessed Jinzeono's first attack. She, along with Akira Hino, Taro Hikari, Hoshino Kiba, and Denki Shou where teleported to Gamuchu, where the meet Iwata, who is the one that teleported them there. He informs them of their destiny, and gives them their Nintenshins. Before she, and the others where then sent to fight Goombomber. After failing to defeat Goombomber normally, she decided to use her [Nintenshins|Nintenshin]] and transformed into NintenBlasts. After Akira defeated Goombomber, he finds out that her Nintenshin has a being known as GunpeIguru in it, and that he is the lord of the "Space World".


  • Her profile picture is actually Saya Kimura, from Kamen Rider Faiz.
  • She is based on Samus Aran, from Metroid.
