Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Nintendo NATES Logo

The Nintendo NATES (Nintendo Advanced Technology Entertainment System) is a game system that benefits from the technology 3Dimensions and High Definition. It is announced for late 2012 show in early 2013.


The design of the Nintendo NATES[]

A more classic design, but quite surprising that little cube can be walking in the 3D setting with a simple directional pad! Ends detector controllers do not know where to put it is on the game system. Several other new features make the charm of this game system ...

The design of the Remote[]

This does not make you think about the design of the NES controller?

List of Games Announced[]

Several games have been announced for this system of play problems dimension in 3D (which we have on 3DS) is over because you can be watching TV from anywhere, the effect of depth and the image will be augmented reality without problems.

