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Evolved Resolution is a turn-based strategy RPG Umbrella game developed by Gear Games and released for the Evo-Gem in October 24th, 2024 and, as opposed to general Umbrella games, focuses on diversity between characters (not just in term of abilities) and plays up the crossover part instead of being just an author appeal game.

Despite the roster of recruitable characters, bosses, enemies, and other non-playable characters being all from video games (and Fantendo company does to their technicality), the recruitable roster focuses on characters Samtendo, the director of the game, liked the most, while the rest are all over the place, as it can be a character that Samtendo love, hate, love-to-hate or just plain interested in.

This game takes inspiration from the Pokémon franchise in terms of an evolution-based mechanic, as well as XCOM, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle and Fire Emblem series in terms of various in-game battle mechanics, but there is a distinct difference between Pokémon and Fire Emblem; the "level system" of the game is called Rank, and is much simpler and more varied compared to other franchises, as not everyone has access to every different rank, and also greatly reduce the EXP-based grinding.


Evolved Resolution has gameplay that takes inspiration from aforementioned titles, and has an emphasis on strategy as each character has a set of established strengths and weaknesses that the player should take into account when engaging in a battle. The goal in normal gameplay is to eliminate all of the opposing team's characters before they could take out the player's characters, but there are some modes that enable respawning and thus result in a different goal to take into consideration in order to win.

Taking place in grind-based boards, each side will take a turn to attack. In Career Mode, some areas allow the player to go first, and some let the opponent go ahead instead, but in a few cases and in other modes, which side will move first is decided by a small minigame called Catch for First Turn.

Catch for First Turn is simple to understand and play; the image of either a red heart, a black spade, a green club, or a blue diamond will be shown for three seconds, and then it will be hidden. Both leading players only need to press the A button as soon as the correct image shows up. The player who managed to catch the correct image will be granted to move first before the opposing side does. If the player presses A at the wrong time when the incorrect image shows up, then the opposing side will get the turn instead.

After the minigame, the main game begins. At the player's turn, each character on the player's side can be moved once and can choose any of the following options; Action, Guard, Items, Breakout, Check, and the two options which will apply to all characters, Skip and Retreat.

  • Action involve using any of the character's available Actions. An Action is either an attacking power, a supportive move, or a status-passing ability, for example. Actions in general have a Base Damage, secondary effects, Category, and Cooldown. More powerful Actions generally have longer cooldowns or other drawbacks. The character's Actions cannot be used if it selected Guard or Breakout.
  • Guard simply increase the character's Defense by 20, (or more depending on other mechanics such as Abilities and, in case of being Melee oriented, +15), allowing the character to take a hit. While it doesn't seem to have much use outside of minimizing damage as much as possible, it can be helpful for stalling, and the character who is Guarding cannot be sent flying. It cannot use Guard if the player selected Action or Breakout beforehand.
  • Items allows the character to use one of the party's items. Unlike the other non-full-party options, the character can still perform an Action, a Guard, or a Breakout after using an Item. That said, items, in general, are one-use and need to be collected beforehand, and are weaker as well, with a few exceptions.
  • Breakout, fully known as Breakout Action, is the powerful Action that each playable and boss character can use. It requires the Gauge to be filled by dealing damage or healing allies. Each Rank gives a set Breakout gauge required for the Breakout Action to be used, which is equal to the total amount of damage dealt or healed so far; 100 for B, 200 for A, 300 for S, and 500 for Ω. Once used, the gauge resets to zero.
  • Check does not end the character's turn and instead involves inspecting the character's status, be it current health, Actions being available, their Breakout Gauge, Abilities, and more. This option can also be done on an enemy and boss, but their Stats, unseen Actions, and Abilities had to be Analyzed first by certain characters.
  • Retreat will make the player declare forfeit and the characters, depending on their personality, will either run away in fear, give up hope and stare in fear, or simply walk away. Only do this if you think the battle is way too hopeless! The CPU-controlled team will only do this if they had lost multiple members in quick succession, but this scenario is not easy to accomplish, and some bosses will simply not give up.

Although attacks with longer range can hit foes from far away, ranged attacks tend to deal 33% less damage to a target that is Guarding than melee attacks does. Melee attacks can also have better knockback power and faster cooldown than ranged attacks in general, and there are more melee attacks that can flinch a charging move than there are ranged moves that do.

Action Commands from a few Paper Mario games are also present, giving a boost for any Action, and there are multiple methods of Action Command via button mashing, a sequence of different buttons, correct timing, and more. Successful Action Commands require skill and timing but can become much more rewarding than not doing Action Commands at all.

As the game aims to have little to no luck-based mechanics in battles, the critical hits are handled differently; they will only deal 1.3x damage than usual, but will always occur when hitting on a target that has a negative status condition, but shorten the status' duration by one turn. The exception is the Marked to Death status, where the victim instead takes twice as much damage.

Major Mechanics[]

There are major mechanics that each character will have; Stats, Categories, Actions, Abilities, and Perks. Even the weakest types of enemies will have each of these mechanics.


Stats are the number level of various attributes each character has, and each stat works differently. It is essential to know how they work. There are five stats in this game; Health, Power, Defense, Movement and Skill, as well as the Stat Total.
Health - Stat of Vitality
Health is the stat that determines the maximum Health Point a character can have. The HP reduces when the character is hit by any damaging attacks, or indirect damages such as Poison status. Shall the HP of a character drops to zero, this character will be defeated.
Power - Stat of Prowess
Power determines how much damage a character can deal with any attacking Actions. The higher Power, the more damage he or she can inflict on a target, and also allows a higher knockback distance. That said, high power also means the character is more vulnerable to Backfired moves, self-damage, and Actions from enemies that utilize the character's Power such as Foul Play.
Defense - Stat of Resilience
Defense will determine how much a character will receive damage. The higher Defense means the character will take less damage, and the lower Defense will instead cause the character to receive more damage than average instead. A high Defense can also lower the amount of turns the negative statuses on this character will remain, but be aware that even a high Defense alone will not provide protection against stat-lowering mechanics, especially if it will reduce the Defense in question.
Movement - Stat of Swiftness
Movement will determine how many squares the character can move. The player does not need to always move to this many Movement stat; it simply determines the maximum amount of squares the character can advance. That said, characters with a Movement of 4 or lower can compensate for their slow movement with a bigger boost from Guard, which is a whopping +50 Defense, and fast characters tend to have either low HP and/or Defense or weak Power or Skill to balance them.
Skill - Stat of Competency
Skill simply determine how effective the player's Abilities will be. While not much of a big deal at first, you should take consider the difference between a low Skill character and a high Skill character; the former will only get a 1.2x boost from Head-First while the latter will get 1.5x from the same Ability, for example. It can also determine how much HP can be restored to the character itself and/or allies via Actions, too!
Stat Total - Determination of Overall Strength
Stat Total only give out the stat total of a character's set of five stats, hence the name, and thus have only a few bearing in gameplays, such as preventing a character from participating at an event if too higher or too lower than the Stat Total requirement. Omega Ranked characters tend to have much bigger than average Stat Total!


Categories are what are called the elements of this game; they categorize characters and Actions based on their general abilities. Each character has one to three Categories, and each of the Categories has an offensive and defensive advantage.

Unlike their inspirations, there is no intrinsic strength and weakness of each Category, but the damage bonus of 33% for Actions that matched one of the character's Categories do apply.

ER Air Aerial Assault
Used by characters who specialize wind and air (not those who were simply flying).

Offensive Perk: Blow away small enemies by up to ten squares away, five squares away for medium-sized foes, and two for larger fiends. Air Actions in general can continue their path even if hit just one enemy.

Defensive Perk: 33% resistance against knockback-heavy attacks.

ER Blood Bloody Ferocity
Used by characters who are particularly bloody, morbid, or have blood as part of their abilities.

Offensive Perk: Blood Actions can cause an enemy to become nervous and flinch after a third successful hit of the same attack unless the enemy has the Blood Category as well.

Defensive Perk: In addition to the immunity of the above effect, the Blood character can also refill their HP by 25% if defeated by an enemy.

ER Combat No Punches Pulled!
Used by characters who are penchant to actual hand-to-hand combat as well as aura-based and kai-based attacks.

Offensive Perk: Ignores Status-based defensive perks of an enemy. 25% increased knockback power.

Defensive Perk: Immune to Flinch, Fear or other Action-preventing Statuses.

ER Cosmos Gravitational Glory
Used by characters who manipulate or use the power of space in one way or another.

Offensive Perk: Can pull enemies toward the character with attacking Actions, or push them back with Supportive Actions.

Defensive Perk: Use a black hole alike shield when Guarding, redirecting direct attacks, and approaching enemies toward the character, but can nullify weak to medium powered projectile-based Actions.

ER Creature Crawling Brawlers
Used by characters who are either reptiles or insects or have severe instinctual nature.

Offensive Perk: Deals 33% more damage when attacking a target from behind or from either the left or right of the target's view of sight.

Defensive Perk: With the correct button timing, the Creature character can evade particularly powerful moves unless it has a harmful Status, as well as giving an alert if the enemy party holds dangerous items.

ER Cyber Advanced Technicians
Used by characters who use machinery and cyberspace, or those that are very inventive.

Offensive Perk: Ignore Category-based defensive perks of an enemy, and track out invisible enemies that the Cyber attack hit.

Defensive Perk: Alert teammates if it senses invisible enemies nearby. Deploy a shield when Guarding that will reflect non-damaging Actions.

ER Darkness Sneaky Shadow
Used by characters who are using any sort of darkness.

Offensive Perk: Can penetrate through most obstacles to hit enemies, except on hard lights and crystals.

Defensive Perk: Ignore the non-damaging effects from Cosmos Actions. Hide in the shadow to evade all attacks except ground-shaking moves, explosions, Light Actions, and from characters with EX Energy.

ER Earth Gravitational Glory
Used by characters who can cause tremors and use earth-based powers.

Offensive Perk: Can pin down aerial enemies to the ground. Ground-shaking moves instead deal 50% more damage on enemies who are underground by any method.

Defensive Perk: 33% knockback resistance. Guarding will permit the character to survive an attack into 1 HP left, but the endurance has a cooldown of two turns.

ER Electric Lightning Strike
Used by characters who use electric power of any kind.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Electric Action will inflict Paralysis on a target. Only apply to the first target getting hit by a multi-target attack.

Defensive Perk: The character with Electric can Guard to charge to increase resistance against non-contact attacks by 25%, as well as delivering 15% Backfire damage to the attacker. Paralysis immunity.

ER Fire Red-Hot Passion
Used by characters who use fire element of any sort.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Fire Action will inflict Burn on a target. Only apply to the first target getting hit by a multi-target attack.

Defensive Perk: Burn immunity. Able to dwell on lava without getting hurt and burned.

ER Heart Importance of Healing
Used by characters who use heart-based powers and/or have a specialty in healing properties.

Offensive Perk: Heal the user's HP by 50% of the damage done. Attacks that can hit multiple targets will instead heal 20% HP per damage on each enemy.

Defensive Perk: Heal 25% HP when Guarding. When an ally or more are at two squares away, also heal them by 20% HP.

ER Ice Cold-Blue Coolness
Used by characters who use the element of ice and coldness.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Ice Action will inflict Freeze on a target. Only apply to the first target getting hit by a multi-target attack.

Defensive Perk: Freeze immunity. Encase the user in an ice block similar to the freeze status but without the negative effect of Freezing (except in not moving, but that's just for until the next turn anyways), which means the user is safe from Statuses and weak attacks (even if coming from Light). The ice block melts from explosions or Fire Actions.

ER Light Elegant but Deadly
Used by characters who use the element of light, be it lasers, beams, sunlight, rainbow, auroras, luminescence, et cetera, but unlike other games, holiness is not included.

Offensive Perk: Ignore Category-based defensive perks, except for Ice and Light itself. Cannot be stopped by anything except Reflection.

Defensive Perk: Unaffected by Movement decreasement and Time-Stop. Creates a hard light shield when Guarding, completely absorbing Light and Darkness Actions.

ER Magic Illusion and Mischief
Used by characters who specialize in any sort of magic.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Magic will inflict Enchanted on a target. Only apply to the first target getting hit by a multi-target attack.

Defensive Perk: After a successful button press when receiving damage, the attacker will be trapped on a magical card that can be damaged to free the trapped attacker. The card itself otherwise last for two turns. However, this doesn't work on the largest characters, and only the card will be damaged.

ER Metal Heavy Duty Materials
Used by characters who specialize in metallic materials such as steel and iron.

Offensive Perk: Metal attacks can break a Status defensive perk from an enemy.

Defensive Perk: Guarding allows the character to reduce Melee damage from enemies by an extra 50%, and become immune to weak attacks.

ER Mind Mindful Control
Used by characters who use telekinesis or other mind-based power of any sort.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Mind Action will inflict Brainwash on a target. Only apply to the first target getting hit when using a multi-target attack.

Defensive Perk: The character has the option to teleport away back to the previous position from the defending enemy if using any Action against this enemy in question.

ER Mythical Legendary Duty
Used by characters who are legendary or have mythical powers of any sort that will not fit in any of the other Categories.

Offensive Perk: Amplify the character's Power by 33% if attacking a target with a higher Stat Total.

Defensive Perk: Getting their HP healed by 15% when unharmed after every full turn.

ER Nature Law of the Jungle
Used by characters who control nature-based powers, which are, but are not limited to leaves, trees, vines, and flowers.

Offensive Perk: Deals 33% more damage on targets with HP at 33% or lower.

Defensive Perk: Every three turns, the character, and allies from up to two squares away are healed from the negative Statuses.

ER Poison Toxic Affair
Used by characters who specialize in poisonous elements, be it poison, venom, acid, and smog.

Offensive Perk: A third successful Poison attack will inflict Poisoned Status on a target. If using a multi-target attack in this case, only the first target will be poisoned.

Defensive Perk: Poisoned immunity. If defeated, it will release a poison smog that will deal large damage to anyone that passed through and stands in these infected squares, providing terrain control.

ER Regular Master of Mundane Stuff
Used by characters who specialize in mundane items, or pure, elementless powers of any sort.

Offensive Perk: A third hit replaces the opponent's Categories by pure Regular, thus depriving them of the Same Category Damage Bonus until their next turn.

Defensive Perk: Immune from mechanics that will prevent the character from using any of their own Actions.

ER Sound Loud and Ready
Used by characters who use abilities heavily associated with sound, be it music, musical instruments, noises, or just being very loud.

Offensive Perk: All Sound attacks have a "spread-out damage" that will deal 20% damage to enemies that are one square away from the target. Sound attacks that can already hit multiple targets will have this effect applied to targets who are barely outside of the range.

Defensive Perk: The user performs a music track when Guarding, giving a soft boost to Movement by +2 for itself and allies who are up to two squares away until they moved after the boost.

ER Time Steady Timing Required
Used by characters who use control and manipulate time in different matters.

Offensive Perk: A second successful hit with a Time attack will add two additional Cooldown counters to the target's latest Action.

Defensive Perk: When Guarding, this character can "rewind time" around itself to cancel the Statuses of itself and allies from up to two squares away. Be aware, as it doesn't just remove negative Statuses, but also positive ones!

ER Water Aquatic Fury
Used by characters who are using the water element.

Offensive Perk: A successful Water attack always makes a flooded terrain up to two squares away from the target to subtract two Movement counters from any non-Water enemies.

Defensive Perk: Cannot be Drenched. Create an aquatic shield when Guarding, which will explode and deals 50% damage back to the enemy who hit the user. It doesn't matter how far the enemy is away, as even the longest-range attack will cause the water shield to approach.

To prevent this perk from being too powerful, bosses and strong enemies will avoid any Water character who is Guarding unless the former are able to knock them out and with enough high HP to survive an aquatic counterattack.

ER Weapon Armed for War
Used by characters who use any sort of weapons, be it melee-like swords and maces, or ranged-like bows and arrows.

Offensive Perk: All Weapon Actions' Critical Hit deals 50% extra damage, but only from behind. Heavy's Minigun is the pure exception as the overall damage would make it too powerful with the extra Critical Hit damage, and instead able to disarm Weapon Actions of enemies hit by this Action.

Defensive Perk: Able to retaliate if an ally went down with their latest attack, regardless of Cooldown remaining, provided that the enemy is at the Action's range.


Actions are moves each character to utilize. Each Action comes with Base Damage, Category, Cooldown (if any), Range, and Secondary Effect (if any).
Base Damage
Base Damage is the number that indicates how much damage it would potentially inflict. Notice that it is not set damage unless indicated as such. Damage calculation will be demonstrated as seen below.

((Base Damage x 1.33, if 1.33 (Same Category Bonus) is applicable) + Power - (Defense / 1.5) = Total Damage) (Note: Other multipliers will apply after the Defense.)

Category determines what available element it have. The character who has a matched Category will deal 33% more damage, called the Same Category Bonus. Each Category also has an offensive perk intrinsic in each of them, but unlike the bonus damage, the character does not need to have a matched Category to make those offensive perks work, allowing coverage.
If the Action has a Cooldown, it will determine how many turns the user has to wait until this Action becomes available again. This is to prevent particularly powerful moves with small drawbacks from being spammed. Some Actions will only have a Cooldown if a condition had met, such as failing to hit any target, or if the user gets hurt after using that Action.
Range will determine how far and how covering this Action will reach. Actions with a Range that only deals damage to one or more enemies within one square away are called Melee Actions and are capable to deal more knockback as well as dealing more damage to Guarding enemies better than longer-ranged Actions do. Breakout Actions in general tend to have big ranges!
Secondary Effect
If this Action is attacking, it will determine what secondary effect it will inflict under certain condition(s) being met. For example, one Action requires a third successful hit in order to make the secondary effect occur, while another will require big enough damage instead. Some also only occur when inflicting Critical Hits!

Abilities and Perks[]

Abilities and Perks are various capacities that each character has. Although both benefit the character in various ways, be it for self-healing, to boost certain attacks, or to be immune to a certain Category or more, there is a distinct difference between the two.
Abilities are interchangeable and each character can have three Abilities. They can be manipulated in any way, be it swapping, copying, suppressing, or replacing. An Ability is not compatible with every character though, so don't expect Reptile to have Super Strength as an Ability.

They are also dependent on the Skill stat, as each Ability has a multiplier, from 1.1x to 2x which will be determined by a scale of 1 Skill to 100 Skill, respectively. Although a Skill of 100 isn't available as a base stat, it can be temporarily reached by other methods like Items, and it can result in devastating results with the right combination of Abilities. Defensive Abilities can be turned into immunity via a certain item, but only toward specific attacks or Categories.

Perks are intrinsic and thus cannot be replaced, swapped, or suppressed, but can be copied. Each character has two unique Perks and can change depending on the current evolution form.

Perks also do not use Skill thus the value will be static, which is usually high. This allows characters with low Skill to make effective use of their Perks, and a Perk can give more than one function; it can give a damage boost toward characters with specific Categories and immunity to a certain Category for example.


In this game, there are three kinds of Statuses; Positive, Negative, and Neutral. Statuses are temporary ailments that affect the character in various ways, and, except in match-specific circumstances, their effect is temporary, as it will take up to five turns for the effect to wear off.

Each Status also has a "Plus" version, marked with a "+", to indicate a more intense version. This only occurs if an effect tries to stack with identical effect, or by much stronger Actions. It cannot be stacked further, but the Plus version does retain the function of the normal Status counterpart unless it is a more intense effect.

Give benevolent effect to characters who are having them. Generally given by supportive moves, Items, and other mechanics.
Gradual Healing - Heal the character by 15% HP after each turn. Gradual Healing + heals 30% HP instead.
Safeguard - Prevent the character from being getting negative Statuses. Safeguard + straight up bounce back status-only Actions to the enemy.
Boosted (Stat) - Any of the character's stats (except HP) are shown to be boosted by a specific amount. Unlike other positive statuses, it can be stacked up to 999 (but that number is almost impossible to reach), or in Movement's case, 99, and Skill's case, 100. As such, it has no + version.
Endure - Allows the character to survive any attack into 1 HP, but the effect wears off afterward. Fails if the user has 1 HP left or already has the Enduring status. Enduring + also negates negative effects.
Break - Break someone or multiple characters from Guarding, but the reduced damage is still applied. Break + deals 33% more damage to opponents with decreased Defense.
Evade - Evade the first attack, but cannot have it again if it already got Evade two turns prior. Evade + also allows evading hazard damage until the status expires.
Pumped - This character's next attack will be a guaranteed Critical Hit, but wears off after a successful hit. Pumped + also ignore Defensive Perk of any sort.



In the Maizen World, various characters from various regions live with different motivations, but the player character stood out as the Commander (avatar Mii) with fully customizable clothing, and its personality is decided depending on what answers the player gives to various characters of various factions throughout the game.

Options for the Mii coming soon

Recruitable Characters[]

During the game launch, there are 42 character lines that can be recruited through the story. Although a few characters are mandatory to recruit for the plot to progress, most of them are optional and are not needed to complete the full game. That being said, it is encouraged to recruit all of them in order to fully experiment and increase the game's replayability.

Each character has an evolution line, a set of one to three Categories, a Perk, base Stats, three Abilities that are dependent on Skill, and a set of eight Actions (with one very powerful Action called Breakout Action). The latter four can be viewed in Characters' Database. Canon characters will have the franchise title logo to represent their respective franchise, while original characters will have their name linked, though fan characters will count for both cases.

Recruitable Characters
These characters can ally with the Commander, and each of them has their own movesets of six Actions and two Breakout Actions, alongside their Perk, Evolution Line (if they have one), and of course, the Stats they will have within Ranks.
Team Fortress 2 logo
Heavy Weapons Guy
Toughest Russian Mann

ER CombatER Weapon

"Heavy will not forget the horrible war we witnessed back in Warfire. If cowards will not stop with stupid war, then we will stop it by ourselves, and we will do this now!"

A tough Russian mercenary who endured the problems in the Warfire region, and wanted the war to finally end no matter the cost, especially the one he witnessed as Mikhail. He is not above brutality regardless of who his enemies are (unless they are children, for which he will have remorse if he is forced to attack them), but deep down, he is a well-intentioned man who is only doing his job to keep his family and close friends safe and well-fed.

The Heavy line in general is very slow, but his Minigun is astonishingly powerful at close range, perfect for taking out cowardly foes who rely on gradual damage, though it is much less effective at long range. He can also use the Sandvich to heal himself, or one of his injured teammates, but this Action takes a two-turn cooldown before being used again. Overall, use him to punish aggressive fiends by mowing them down with his minigun!

Mikhail > Heavy Weapons Guy > Heavy Weapons Yeti OR Heavy Combat Mann

Tempo 32x logoUS
Tempo 32x jp art 5
Rhythmical Grasshopper

ER SoundER Creature

"Need some help taking care of those Energy Seekers, homie? I will be your volunteer, and I will be sure they will not get what they want for destructive purposes, buddy!"

Although a big fan of the 80s and 90s stuff, Tempo is always willing to try new things but also not afraid to form his opinion about them, and only follows any trendy subjects if he's really interested in them. Although Katy is gone for vacation and Tempo taking a nice break in Aqualife, his birthplace, the Energy Seekers' involvement caused him to deeply worry about the damage they could cause, and willing to help out anyone who's wanted them gone... but he knows who to trust and who's not, and he's only with the Commander because of the latter's good intentions (or because the other choices aren't better if the Commander have a negative personality).

The Tempo line is a glass cannon in that he's swift, and deals impressive damage, but not able to take much damage. He can also give support to his teammates by using Dancing Boost which increases Power and Movement. His two branched evolutions should also take into consideration; Muscle Tempo is slower in comparison but can take and dish more damage, while Temporal can slow down his foes but his Defense doesn't improve much.

Rhythm > Tempo > Muscle Tempo OR Temporal

Kind-Hearted Navi

ER HeartER Cyber

"I understand your concerns, Commander, and this is why I will come along with you this time. Promise to not use me as a disposable soldier like what the previous Commander tried to do so and you will be okay!"

The kind and warm Navibot whose job is to take care of people with lost homes in Warfire. After the crime rate had permanently lowered in Warfire, she saw that the crime rate everywhere else had increased, and she will help out the Commander to take charge of the situation. But be aware; for all that kindness, she is not above resorting to violence if you try to approach her the wrong way!

The Roll.EXE line is the starting support line that can help sustain Heavy and Tempo, as well as those who are going to be recruiting next. While her Power is sub-par, she can use defensive Actions to hinder her opponents or to help out her allies in need. Her Evolution, Dark Roll.EXE, is more of a combat supporter, with her Power being still not as good as the other evolved offensive-oriented fighters, but still enough to finish the job, and can bring even more troubles, while her Evolution Roll.EXE DX put further emphasis on healing and better mobility.

Navi Roll > Roll.EXE > Roll.EXE DX or Dark Roll.EXE

Crash Bandicoot logo
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Dingodile
Pyromaniacal Chimera

ER FireER Weapon

"I may not be a good guy, but I will not run away from troubles this time, mate. And I will be sure those mozzies will whinge once I make a big Barbie outta them!"

One of Dr. Cortex's creations, Dingodile stood out among the animal henchmen for being a chimera of a dingo and a crocodile (as his name is actually a portmanteau of those two species). While a pyromaniac for sure, he talks like a polite and efficient person and will only show rudeness when upset or angry. He joins the Commander's team because he knows that the wars are a bigger problem and will be a huge danger to not just his safety, but also the entire world if left unsolved.

Dingodile focuses on gradual damage as his flamethrower always deals burning damage, allowing him to slowly but surely kill off tough enemies. He can also attack from afar by launching fireballs that travel an arc and hit the enemies behind cover. However, his stats are not as specialized as Heavy or Tempo, the other two starting characters, so focus on putting maximum use of his tricky-to-solve attacks at a bunch of worried wusses!

Dingole > Dingodile > Dingodirex or Dingodrought

DKC Logo
Pompy the Presumptuous
Splashing Showy Seal

ER IceER Water

"You call yourself "talented"? I, Pompy the Presumptuous, will show you real talent! Sit back, and see if our enemies will like my splash show!"

Although used to be part of the rogue Snowmads, Pompy realized that his leader, Lord Fredrik, had done too much sacrifice to make the goals worth it, and the Snowmads disbanded after Fredrik's defeat. Although he remains a big showoff, Pompy the Presumptuous prefers a better life at the Glacier Circles, near the Aqualife region... but the attack of the Energy Seekers caused Pompy to join the Commander if only to protect his new home.

The Pompy line has poor mobility on land and has only above-average Power, but make up for that with good durability and acrobatic skills that allow them to evade their opponents and make a precise strikes in order to hit specific foes. Once the player knows how to use their attacks to both attack their foes and get away from deadly attacks, their low land mobility is upright negligible.

Pump > Pompous > Pompy the Presumptuous

MegaMan logo
Fighter from Space

ER CyberER MetalER Cosmos

"I managed to stop the fight of two light dragons... one that represents prism and concentrated light... the other representing the light's truly destructive potentials... and I do not wish that they come to this planet, as their fighting alone can bring grave destruction."

Before landing on Maizen World, Duo is one of the strongest warriors of the ER Universe, taking down most of the most purely savage evil people in the universe. However, despite managing to stop the fight between the two Light Dragons, he landed on Maizen World in order to take down some of the Energy Seekers' most despicable people, but he quickly noticed that it is more complicated than he thought this time.

The Duo line focuses on close combat, and as a result, he may get a disadvantage against enemies who are distant and uses long-range attacks. But unlike the Heavy, they have much better mobility and a good amount of AoE attacks, allowing them to make excellent crowd control. That being said, he lacks supportive Actions, which means he is unable to heal or boost himself without resorting to using items or getting help from allies.

Null > Uno > Duo

MTOCG Roy Koopa
Roy Koopa
Backhanded Brawler

ER WeaponER Light

"What's da matter, punk? You think I could not be up for it? Relax, I know fighting better than those dumb Energy Seekers. Believe my words dearly, pal!"

He seems to be just your everyday tough guy, but Roy Koopa will make you think better than that. His cleverness and knowing how to mess with his enemies' abilities stood him out among Koopalings, and he is certainly not above brutal close combat when things don't work well. He also never removes his sunglasses no matter what, and he can get very cranky if you try to mess with his!

Roy Koopa's line has powerful long-ranged moves that will help him to take down his foes before they could even approach him, and his Ability Mess-Up allows him to give an epic edge over those who rely on their Abilities! Being a Light user doesn't mean that Roy will be a softie; in fact, his Light-based just proves that he can still be a tough, manly Koopaling despite that and his pink wearings!

"Rolly" Koopa > Roy Koopa > Royable Koopa

Iggy Koopa
Maniacal Magician

ER NatureER Magic

"Hya ha ha ha! Look at those persistent pests that are the Energy Seekers! If they want a fight, of course, we will! Just leave it to me and show you how to handle them, Iggy Koopa style! Ke he he he!"

Although the Koopalings had disbanded, Iggy had only found Roy on dumb luck (as the latter commented), although they still focus on their own business. Iggy Koopa himself is quite an insane Koopaling, being prone to overkill (though he can be shocked if it ends up being bloody) and loves using Chain Chomps and machinery.

Iggy's line focuses on trickery and only jumps into direct combat with his Chain Chomp-driven chariot. He also has impressive mobility, allowing him to evade foes and even climb walls to get to the top of higher ground or other harmless obstacles. He can also create vines to trap his target, leaving this one at the mercy of himself, his Chain Chomp, or even his stronger allies.

"Higgs" Koopa > Iggy Koopa > Iggnoble Koopa

800px-Wario logo.svg
The Wonderful Greedy Man Himself!

ER CombatER Poison

"Energy Seekers? Pfft! They don't look more threatening than the many, many freaks I faced during my adventures! Hey, what do you mean you do not believe me!? I can prove it with my great strength and my wits!"

Alright, punks! Its-a me, Wario! Expecting a "more unexpected and obscure" character, do you? Too bad! But be glad that I am on your side, Commander! While it is true that I never managed to keep the treasures I had found, this never change the fact that I had beaten many of the world's most dangerous criminals, masterminds, and abominations! I only join you because one of those Energy Seekers' agents took away my latest treasure... and I will not tell you what is it!

Yes, yes, you may call me a slowpoke, but would I care? I got two fantastic mobility Actions, my brutal Shoulder Rush (I sometimes call it the Wario Attack for some reason...) and my weaker but faster the Wario Bike, and if those aren't enough, my turn-charging Wario Waft can turn the tide! And just remember; don't wake me up when I'm taking a Rage Nap! Because if somebody else did... well, let's say that it will never end well for that someone else!

Mini Wario > Wario > Wario Man OR Wario Deluxe OR Dragon Wario OR Vampire Wario

"That's a lots-a Evolution I can use, I know! Be wise when choosing one!"

LittleBigPlanet logo
A Sack Full of Imagination

ER Regular

Heavy: "Little Sackboy cannot speak, but Sackboy can be best friends with you. He will allow you to customize him... including appearance and gender and other stuff. Just don't go too far with appearance!"

Sackboy is from a planet similar to LittleBigPlanet, a world full of imagination and creativity. This one helped out Heavy to deal with rogues who were trying to steal the latter's food reserve away thanks to Sackboy's cleverness, and Hevay could not help but say sorry for underestimating him. In fact, Sackboy's Popit power has so much potential that even the toughest rogues mistook him for an actual god and ran for their life!

Unlike other characters, Sackboy lacked any evolution, but his Popit menu allows full customization on him, including his Categories, his stats via collecting Stat Bubbles, what Actions he will use, and even his own appearance. This allows the player to experiment with Sackboy to get the ideal fighter, but this may take time to do so, especially with collecting Stat Bubbles into consideration.

To prevent grieving, as well as stopping controversial and adult costumes from being used in regular (i.e. Non-Friend) online play, Sackboy's appearance will always be on his default self. The rest will be shown when the player put the cursor into him, regardless if he's used by an allied player or by an enemy player.

Sackboy, as already stated, does not have any evolutions.

Storm Eagle
Storm Eagle
General of the Sky

ER CyberER Air

"The situation had gone out of control, as the war had begun for petty reasons. Worse still, they are either too busy in the war to think, or even care, about those wild Energy Seekers."

Storm Eagle is a general of the Galaon Army and an honorable one at that. Knowing that continuous war will bring no victory to anyone, he will quickly attempt to investigate to find the source of the trouble. He wasn't trustful of the Commander and their allies at first, but after seeing them stopping the rogue Energy Seekers, he will join them, but only to put an end to their madness.

Storm Eagle is very fast, but his damage output is average, meaning that he should focus on taking down specific threats in a hit-and-run fashion. His unlimited flight allows him to avoid grounded hazards like spikes, and harmlessly travel over them, which is helpful for scouting or avoiding close-combat-oriented fiends.

Wind Bird > Storm Eagle

Neon Tiger
Neon Tiger
Solar Warrior

ER CyberER Light

"Tsk. Why would they even need Red Energy, Blue Energy, or even the almighty EX Energy? I do not need them, as I had already defeated powerful rogues in the past."

Proud, serious but kind, Neon Tiger, among several Light-using robots, is on an important mission from the king of Litewave, Crystal Man, to store as many mists of many kinds of energy lost around in the Maizen World as possible before the Energy Seekers could. He joins the Commander as he got knowledge that the Commander is targeting the Energy Seekers in question.

Neon Tiger is very fast, faster than Storm Eagle, and his Power is also strong, although he could not be able to take too many hits. His Ray Splasher can cover a large number of areas, and as it penetrates enemies, can also be useful to directly attack a single foe for serious damage, and his Ray Slash can slice even durable enemies in pieces with enough Sun Boost.

Bright Cub > Neon Tiger

MegaMan logo
Cut Man
Stubborn Lumberjack

ER Metal

"What a cutting edge we got ourselves in! Mind if I give you a good haircut to those sharp-less whiners?"

Cut Man is a stubborn robot, not willing to give up yet, and will not change his mind quickly until proven otherwise. Yet, he's otherwise chill and quite a wise guy, loving to crack scissor-themed jokes. However, as he works in the Factoris as one who cut out overgrown trees, the criminals from Warfire nearly ruined his job and joined the Commander once he realized that this Commander had stopped several rogues.

Cut Man is a bit of a master of none at first, giving good damage and good speed but gets overshadowed by the likes of Neon Tiger quickly. But taking the effort to evolve him into Cut Lumberjack shows that his newfound Double Gears give him a whole new level of power, with severely powerful Power in exchange for poorer Speed which is only mitigated by the temporary boost of the Speed Gear.

Cut Boy > Cut Man >> Cut Lumberjack

MegaMan logo
MM11 BlastMan
Blast Man
Explosively Crazy Artist

ER Weapon

"You better believe me, buddy! Explosion... is art! And those Xalvanians will regret mocking my bomb power!"

Blast Man seems insane and all, but he really cares about his bombs and wants to make good use of them, making sure to get rid of the harmful environment. The Xalvanians had taken away and then rejected his bombs, to the point of offending Blast Man, and have no problem with joining the Commander, wanting to show those Xalvanians who's the boss here!

Blast Man, unlike Cut Man's evolution Cut Lumberjack, can only use the Power Gear, but his own use of the Power Gear is very powerful, especially considering the Chain Bombs, which are already useful for crowd control despite the one-turn delay. The Power Chain Bomb can explode immediately but can harm allies (Blast Man is immune to his own explosions) if used recklessly. In fact, Blast Man's playstyle involves explosive power that can harm both his enemies and allies!

Blast Boy > Blast Man > Blast Demolisher

MMX8 Layer
Romantic Strategist

ER CyberER Weapon

"Focus on the enemies while I take an analysis on the main threat. Do not worry about me though, I can hold a few friends on my own."

A stoic Reploid who used to help out other robots by analyzing the abilities of the threats that invaded the Factoris region. As she had significantly improved her combat skill, she is ready to join the Commander in order to preserve peace in not just Factoris, but also the rest of the world. She seems to have a thing for strong robots, including Duo...

Although Layer's stats are average, her Skill is massively high, making the Abilities she has to come out strong and always helpful to herself and her teammates. She can also quickly analyze the enemies, including tougher ones, as well as reveal their Actions and their weaknesses, which comes in handy for the players to know what to do next.

Cover > Layer > Echelon

Kirby Logo
Gold Golem
Rolling Statue

ER Earth

"One day, I will become the mighty King Golem! Well, first I need to clean my rocky body and then polish it to make it shine like gold."

His full name is Golden Golemick, his peculiar Golem (the Kirby enemy, not the Pokemon specie) wanted to become the almighty King Golem, but his tendency to stay clean and his bossy attitude can put a wrench into the relationship between him and his Golem comrades.

Gold Golem is very solid, boasting an impressive defense, and has a great Power stat. However, his movement is easily the poorest among the recruitable character, with his best way to move is using his Rolling Rock action. That said, he can be helpful to protect your healer from threats, as his rocky body can block even actions that normally hit more than one person.

Gold Golem > Goltus > King Golem

Kirby Logo
Sectonia Artwork Transparent
Queen Sectonia
Reincarnated Vanity

ER CreatureER Magic

"I had once been misled by a liar, leading to tyranny, and left my region to doom... I do not want to go into such a ruthless path again, and I want those spineless Guardians to leave me in peace at once."

Although reincarnated, Queen Sectonia refuse to live down her madness led by a certain liar who's traveling through mirrors and the Guardians' revealing their true nature and actually protecting that liar, and as a result, develops a deep hatred toward those so-called Guardians. Upon learning that the Commander is willing to let her atone, she will be sure that the Guardians will regret their selfishness. While Queen Sectonia is vain, she is ultimately caring and responsible... but not soft in a fight.

Queen Sectonia focuses on dashing out heavy damage on opponents, and then bringing difficulty for them to come close with her teleporting ability and her summoning defeated enemies into her service. This allows for crowd control and brings misery to foes who don't get wise with her graceful, queenly but almighty playstyle. That said, her movement speed is below average, and the range of her attacks is limited.

Sectonia > Queen Sectonia > Flower Sectonia <> Soul of Sectonia

800px-Wario logo.svg
Shake King
Earthshaking Pirate

ER EarthER Electric

"Fine, I will join. But only so that those hypocritical Guardians will tremble in fear once I showed them my wrath, one by one!"

The Shake King was a rogue pirate king who's steal from both the rich and poor, and still is. However, once his fortune is stolen by the increasingly irresponsible Guardians, and ever since managed to get essential information in order to have revenge on them. While at first distrustful toward the Commander even after the latter's team defeated him, he quickly realizes that they were also after the Guardians, so he joins them for revenge. The increasing complication discourage him to leave the team too early, not wanting to be seen as a letdown.

Shake King focuses on absolute crowd control, being able to take down many weakened foes while also sending blitzing thunderbolts against them. His attacks have a bit longer cooldown than average, and as a result, he should focus on waiting until the foes are crippled. He can also send Banderinoes for either reinforcement or distraction.

Shake Bandit > Shake Pirate > Shake King

Street Fighter
SFV Abigail
Engine-Loving Canadian

ER Combat

"Stupid Energy Leakers! Stupid Guardians! Stupid darkness stuff! I wanna break them up so that they will leave me and my car business alone! Let me at all of them! Vroom!!"

Even after abandoning his street gangster career, Abigail is certainly no friendly Canadian. While his brain is certainly lacking, his knowledge of engines, cars, and other land automobiles, but especially his absolutely brutish strength, will make opponents regret mocking his big ugly face. He joins the Commander just to make the war stop and so that he can keep on his business with his cronies.

As expected from a tall guy with huge muscles, his movement speed is abysmal, and can only do his Frontflip Slam to move on. But once he gets to his target, absolute brutality ensues; his great Health, insane Power and good enough Defense allow him to put a massacre into any of his targets. However, his Skill is poor, making his Abilities weak, and all of his actions are about hitting the foes' heads, making his options limited.

Abi >> Abigail

Mortal Kombat logo
Reptile (SSBVMK)
Deathly Acid Kreep

ER PoisonER Blood

"The Xalvania had gone too far with the Darkness Essence... it mixes up the darkness with uncontrolled evilness to the point that even the purest weakling will become purely evil by this. Even I will not tolerate what are they doing!"

Although he is used to being under the service of Xalvania, he quickly realizes that they have a plan to use his acid via fatal extraction, and even discovers their illegal experiment by mixing harmless elemental darkness with pure evilness from the blood of the worst masterminds, causing Reptile to abandon ship and join the Commander's team after getting bested the third time.

Reptile relies on assassination and delivering lethal hits on weakened foes, as you could expect from a reptile ninja. His stats lean toward an aggressive playstyle, but his sub-par defense discourages him from taking on a horde of foes and thus focuses on taking out vital members with his Invisibility and other stealth maneuvers. Reptile does not use a standard Breakout Action; he instead uses his unique Fatality attack called Acid Yak that allows him to instantly kill an opponent with medium-to-low HP, even those with a "Survive to 1 HP" status or devastating damage to a boss, but otherwise deals moderate but inevitable damage to anyone else.

Acid > Reptile

Rumor Honeybottoms
Strict, Sticky but Smart

ER CreatureER Magic

"I had a sticky business that had been nearly demolished by the arrogant Guardians of the Aqualife region. I suppose it will be no harm for me to give you a hand, isn't it, sugar?"

A strict but intellectual queen bee who's a friendly rival of the reformed Queen Sectonia, and a nemesis of the Guardians. Preferring to first test out her opponents' skills and abilities, Rumor is one quite poppy but mischievous fighter, ready to use her own kind of magic in order to aim at their weaknesses and overwhelm them. She joins the Commander in order to get back at the Guardians who are causing needless destruction.

Although having the same Categories as Queen Sectonia, Rumor differentiate from the latter with the focus on a more defensive play. This involves first analyzing her enemies, and then striking at a moment's notice. She can also call her Bobbee police in order to slow down the incoming threat and weaken them. In addition, Rumor is a tough fighter by herself, being able to sponge damage and deliver decent enough damage, but her slow speed makes it not recommended for a direct assault.

Rumie > Rumor Honeybottoms <> Buzz Bomber Rumor OR Exa-Rumor Ω

Prism with Hidden Potentials

ER CosmosER Mind

"Light... I need light... Bring me the light... and I may help you deal with the other dragon."

Necrozma used to be a mighty light dragon, but a much stronger light dragon overwhelmed him before Duo could truly stop their fight. Desperate to bring his former power back, Necrozma will do anything in order to become back to normal. He will only help the Commander to a true extent if they bring a source of light strong enough to make him either Dusk Mane or Dawn Wing Necrozma, which then allows him to become the almighty Ultra Necrozma, his true form.

Necrozma is quite slow but is capable of utilizing his Mind and Cosmos Actions to deal with various enemies, and is capable of fully ignoring hazards thanks to his telekinesis abilities. His Photon Geyser can potentially blind foes and ignore defensive perks, while his Breakout Action, Prismatic Laser, forces Necrozma into self-cooldown the next turn, but deals massive damage and can hit multiple enemies in a row. Strangely, both are Light Actions... which had to do with his Ultra form.

Necrozma > Dusk Mane Necrozma OR Dawn Wings Necrozma <> Ultra Necrozma Ω

Lonesome Demon

ER FireER Air

"Finally, some worthy opponents! Perhaps I had underestimated all of you. Since you had defeated me, let me be on your side and victory will be ours!"

Although he had once worked for a certain and now dead Lucifer, Firebrand realizes the futility of constantly facing the "light dragon" and instead aims for peace and quiet. Once impressed by the Commander's leadership, he challenges him and their crew, and once beaten, he decides to join them, hoping for a better life and certainly for better fights. That said, he is still searching for a "True Power", whatever it could ever be...

Firebrand is quick and merciless, focusing on dealing dreadful damage and ensuring that his enemies will not survive, with a unique ability to have access to multiple forms as the player collect the Crests, and once all six are collected, Firebrand can become the versatile and powerful Ultimate Gargoyle. However, each Crest form comes with a weakness, and the Ultimate Gargoyle form can become disabled if Firebrand used a Breakout Action with it.

Red Arremer > Firebrand (Fire, Ground, Aerial, Tidal, Legend) <> Ultimate Firebrand Ω

Ancient Ice Mammoth

ER IceER EarthER Time

"I may have lost my family... but I can still feel them in my heart! I will avenge them, and make sure the Xalvanians will fall once and for all!"

Devolved into a Swinub after being hit by the Xalvanian Regression Ray, this fellow had lost his family to their more ruthless and primitive ancestors and wanted to avenge his family for so long. After being freed by the Commander, Swinub will ensure that the Xalvanians will no longer thrive with their deadly machines, and wanted to go back into his Mamoswine evolution in order to pull off the full extent of his strength.

The Swinub line is capable of using crowd control Actions in various ways, be it by using Icy Wind to slow them down, Earthquake to deal big damage, or Rock Slide to pin down aerial foes. The Swinub line can also use Icicle Crash to not only interrupt a charging move but also deals with a powerful hit. That said, the Swinub line lacked supportive Actions, meaning that it could use help from healing allies.

Swinub > Piloswine > Mamoswine

Seven Sea Sailor

ER WaterER Earth

"I may not look like it, but I had traveled the seven seas when I was with a goodhearted pirate captain, lads! Even if I'm now only a wee sailor, I will still become as strong as I was, mateys!"

Like Mamoswine, Swampert had gotten hit by the Xalvanian Regression Ray, turning him into a mere Mudkip. That said, he was a mighty sailor who ventured with a goodhearted pirate captain, and as a result have a bit of a rough mouth and an unusual pirate-like accent.

The Mudkip line is versatile, capable of dishing strong damage, setting up Stealth Rocks for terrain control, and using Mud Shot to push back and slow down an enemy. In addition, they can use Muddy Water to clear off traps set by other enemies and turn off fires. That said, their versatility does cost them genuine specialization and should be used for helping out fellow fighters not only for combined crowd control but also to take out traps and set them on their own.

Mudkip > Marshtomp > Swampert <> Mega Swampert

Giga Lakitu
King of the Storms

ER AirER Electric

"Behold, the King of the Storms! Well, I may not look like it, but you better be prepared for the big storms I am going to inflict!"

Giga Lakitu is self-titled himself the King of the Storms, but he sure lives up for such. In truth, he is a nervous but well-meaning fellow who wanted to prove himself as strong and capable. After getting help from the Commander's team to fend off one of the Guardians, Giga Lakitu had become grateful and will allow them to explore more of the Galaon, wanting to protect his old childhood friend, Kracko.

Giga Lakitu isn't quite fast but focuses on full-on aerial assaults with Spinies and Thunderbolt attacks. He also leaves a trail of paralyzing floors that will, as you can guess, paralyze foes who stepped on them, allowing him to stop non-flight foes from approaching him or his allies. There are attacks strong enough to bounce him off of his cloud, which will temporarily deprive him of some mobility, flight, and a few of his Actions.

Lakitu > Lakithunder > Giga Lakitu

Monster Legends Logo
Arch Knight 3
Arch Knight
Unfairly Fallen Light

ER MythicalER LightER Weapon

"You... fools!! You have no idea how fast the world is falling with so many spineless people left untouched which results in more destruction and despair, and I will not tolerate any of this any longer. I will control this world with an iron fist this time so that the world will no longer be filled with corrupt swine!"

Misled by Guardians, having been nearly killed by Xvalvanians, and having his title unfairly stripped away from a tyrant before Crystal Man took the tyrant's place, Arch Knight had enough of the Maizen World's problem and intend to rule it with an iron fist. Despite his good intentions, his potential destruction by his newfound power level means that his divine intervention may cause more harm than good, and it is up to the Commander to convince him.

Although he's a post-end character, Arch Knight is almighty and versatile once he is fully evolved. Although his Health and Defense are a bit low compared to the other Omega-ranked characters, his Skill is massive to the point of making his Abilities significantly stronger, and he can quickly revive a fallen teammate, making him not allowed to be used for normal online gameplay.

Small Knight > Guard Knight >> Arch Knight Ω

Silver Zin
Caring Master of Shadows

ER MindER DarknessER Blood

"I do not know what is this place... but I will feel guilty for leaving the wide-scale problems unsolved. I will help out then."

It is currently unknown if it is the one and only Silver Zin, or if it is actually only a "duplicate" that lacked Herald abilities. Nevertheless, he might seem sinister, but despite being somewhat emotionally fragile, Silver Zin is willing to take responsibility no matter the cost and will help out the Commander, although Silver Zin himself is a bit shaken about a certain... deadly energy.

There's no doubt that Silver Zin is one of the stronger characters, as he's able to perform versatile and powerful attacking Actions in order to slay his opponents. While he has a perk that enables him to resist magical attacks (and not just those with the Magic category!), his Defense is otherwise crippling, to the point that a few direct hits will quickly lower his HP to a dangerously low level. And no matter his current power and form, his darkness and god-like power leave him weak to EX Energy, so it's not recommended to use him against the likes of Versapex for head-on combat.

Gray Zin > Blank Zin > Silver Zin <> "Suzerain" Silver Zin Ω

Pierce Hazel
Moody Psychic

ER Mind

"... So, you saved me again. Despite the fact that I told you to leave me alone? Well... the world is more or less falling apart... if you really need me... just don't get too rough with me, understand?"

His past, especially involving Xalvanians, caused him to be moody and thus have a bad tendency to lash out at the worst time possible. However, he is rather caring about the few friends he has and will do his best to control his temper. However, his full power goes on when getting really angry or feeling intense hatred toward something or someone... and it will not end well for him, his foes, and even his allies when this happens. He only joins the Commander after saving his life from a certain death not once, but twice.

As his Actions can hurt both his enemies and allies, Pierce works best to work alone, distant from his friends. He can use unique mind power to control other elements from others to gain Perks, allowing him to get more and more offensive and defensive perks, and can carry up to four categories at once! His stats are average, but this Perk of his and his versatile moveset will help him out. His Full Power boosts his Power to a dangerous level when feeling Anger or Hatred, but the player cannot control him and he will attack both allies and enemies alike, requiring caution.

Hazen > Pierce Hazel > Fierce Hazard
Both Pierce and Fierce can use the Full Power form.

Zmey the Dragon
Would-Be Strongest Warrior

ER CreatureER Electric

"My goal is to become the strongest warrior in this world. If you think you can help me to reach my goal, then I will gladly help out!"

Managing to best his master as a youngster, Zephyr had one goal in mind; becoming the world's strongest warrior. He will not hesitate to join the Commander, being impressed by their team's own power, and want to prove himself in order to compare and become stronger. He also had a certain grudge against a stronger, bigger light dragon who was lurking around the planet right now...

Zephyr is quick and strong, but his Defense is average and so is his Skill. Despite not being classed as Air, Zephyr can glide through hazards (but not if he would end up stopping on one) and his Perk allows him to hit a bit harder on stronger foes, making him ideal to either drain a boss' HP or to finish them off with one good Breakout Action.

Zep > Zepal > Zephyr

Delia Birthday Clutter
Party Organizer

ER RegularER Magic

"I cannot stand violence... but I will do my best to keep your team alive! I just hope that peace will finally come!"

A cute, proper, and upbeat party organizer, the constant violence from the constant wars caused Delia to cancel incoming parties for safety reasons, and will not settle down until the problem is resolved. Although reluctant to join the Commander's team, if it is to save the Maizen World and make peace finally come, then she will do her best to support the team in any way possible.

Delia is not made for combat, as her poor Power and average Defense will make her a poor fighter, but she can make an excellent supporter, being able to give very helpful statuses that not even Roll.EXE and other type of supporters can give. Even her Breakout Action involves support and will fully heal all teammates within the large radius and a great damage boost, so enemies better not underestimate her!

Partea > Planee > Delia

Artist that Bites

ER PoisonER Nature

"This war is just another obstacle that I had to surmount. I witnessed events worse than this, and I will be sure that you will have victory with my true skills!"

A lonesome Nightshade vampire, Atashi Nightshade seems to care more about her martial arts and painting talents than getting along with overbearing clanmates. Although she can be wholesome, she prefers to focus on her training to be able to lead her future clan for unknown goals, and the war is only another wall to surmount as she joins the Commander in order to prove herself worthy for people to trust.

Atashi should stay in the face of her opponents at all time, as her thorned fingertips will secrete paralytic venom that can stun an enemy, and even deals extra damage and fully stun an opponent that is using a charging move. Her defense isn't too good, but her Skill is high enough that she might make good use of offensive-oriented Abilities and her Action learn set allows her to mess with any of the fiends she will take on. Oh, and her Quick Bite, while not really a draining move, can be used as a counterattack against contact attacks.

Ati > Atashi > Empress Atashi

Chef Bubba
Literal Hell of a Chef

ER FireER Darkness

"Listen up, amigo. I had a hard life with the ungrateful demon leader as they were never happy with my dishes, preferring blood, flesh, and all. The problem is that attacking creatures of the earth as you will quickly deliver a war which in turn gets the attention of a certain light dragon... which already happened, and I am happy that I quickly deserted. Talk about them having their just dessert!"

His quote should be obvious to you; he had a hard life with Lucifer who prefer human flesh and soul, which only got him killed as he got the attention of an even more dreadful light beast. Thankfully Bubba is wise enough to abandon his life in hell, who's suffering a bit of intense anarchy at the moment and prefers to live life with beings of the earth, which is on Maizen World. He simply joins the Commander to ensure that he can safely pursue his career.

Bubba is both an offensive and supportive character; strong enough to deal strong damage and is able to deliver prepared food for his allies to heal them or to remove their negative statuses. The problem is that his Actions' range is limited, encouraging him to stay close to his allies to ensure that they will be safe, sound, and stuffed with good food.

Bubby > Bubba > Headchef Bubba

Bombyx Icarusiot
Nuclear Loving Moth Girl

ER Creature

"So, finally convinced? I will help you out because I am a hero! Or, a "made for market" hero as my boss told me. Anyways, I hope you will not mind me helping out! Hehe!"

A child-like moth-woman who gets very excited quite easily, but sometimes cries when things don't go in her way. While her creators didn't do the right way to raise her when she was younger, she nevertheless has been taken care of by a more caring surrogate mother. She is joining the Commander's team in order to prove herself a real hero, and their creator hopes that it will bring success to their factory.

Bombyx focuses on unorthodox methods of attacking, such as her nuclear breath that can melt metals and her aerial attacks that act like she is constantly bouncing, making her unpredictable to her enemies. However, her Skill stat is lower than average, and while hitting an enemy slightly restores her HP, having her attack blocked or countered will cause her to whine until her next turn, making her more vulnerable to one incoming attack.

Bomby > Bombyx Icarusiot > Bombyxel Icarusiot

Liz Izzard
Neurotic Inventor

ER CreatureER Cyber

"I, um, didn't expect you wanting my help... Since I want to show that I am more than just a busy inventor, I-I do not think of other, safer choices."

Liz Izzard, also called "Lizzy Busy" by some, is a neurotic lizard-like girl who's an inventor, but she mostly uses them for harmless intentions. As time passes, even her own friends and girlfriend seem to be worried about her being so busy with doing inventions, but as the Commander saves her life, she is convinced that life is not all about inventions and wanted to prove herself to be more than just an inventor, but also a valuable friend.

Liz Izzard doesn't resort into violence and all, preferring to give support to her allies. Even if her driller riding machine is pretty powerful, it should only be used for when an enemy is trying to attack her, otherwise losing the machine will leave her with pitiful stats except Skill. Her supports involving using her inventions to mostly give important stat boosts, but also slowing down the enemies' progress by lowering their own stats.

Lizzy > Liz Izzard > Liz Zauron

Felton and Trent
Feathered Fighting Duo

ER AirER Creature

Felton: "Look at this disaster! We gotta do something, and count on us to help out!"
Trent: "I, well, didn't expect to get in a small army, but if Felton is with you, then no doubt I will help you too."

Two best friends of birdies that, no matter the situation, will never let anything stand in their way. Felton is the more energetic and strong-willed, while Trent is calmer, more solitary, and is able to make his own decisions as well. Just one of them isn't quite a fighter, but together, they will fight wings for wings to prove themselves worthy addition to the Commander.

Felton and Trent are jack-of-all-trades stat-wise other than very high Skill, but because they are essentially two characters in one, they make up for that with endless flight and are able to carry twice as many Actions and Abilities as normal player characters do, making them "Swiss Cutter" characters with the right moveset. And since I mentioned that their Skill is plentifully high, expect them to make great use of the Abilities they have!

Fel and Tret > Felton and Trent > Feltenis and Trentel

Timid Guy
Timid Guy
Shyer than a Shy Guy

ER Regular

"Well... since you saved my life... May I join you? I heard multiple legendary heroes, and I want to become one, one day or so."

Timid Guy lives up to his name; he used to be more timid than an average Shy Guy, and it shows. But as time passes, he is trying his best to work upon his courage... although two bullies who were after him also become more and more ruthless, deciding to kill him...!? Anyways, the Commander's team intervened, and Timid Guy become impressed by their rescue, wanting to be part of a team, although rather cautiously.

Timid Guy's stats may be weak at first, but his range is spectacular, allowing him to use artillery-based attacks to attack even the furthest enemies and are arc-based, particularly his metal cannonballs, thus able to hit them even behind their cover. This is especially useful to force cowardly enemies who are using covers out of their hide! And Timid Guy seems to be quite passionate about space and legendary power recently...

Timid Guy > Rabid Guy > Space Guy

Empress Xzal
Dominant Darkness

ER DarknessER Mind

"You fools think that I will join the likes of you!? Well... considering the unfavorable situation I got myself in, I will join in for this time... but you better not let me down."

The empress of the Eastern Arknas, she is used to be a respectable leader of some few rebellious darkness-wielding troopers, but her hunger for testing her power and wanting for stronger opponents and her constant mockery toward light as an element as "infinitely inferior to darkness" caused her and her associates who also have that belief to have a bad reputation. As much as she will say that darkness is not something to make fun of, she only joins the team after learning the hard way from Ultra Necrozma that light is not something to be laughed at either.

Empress Xzal specializes in pure power, focusing on taking down enemies at a faster rate than other non-Omega characters are able to. In fact, she's more powerful than even Abigail, but there is a cost of her Skill being rather average and that her Perk is rather double-edged; while it allows her to take little to no damage from Darkness attacks and can levitate, her directly damaging Actions will only deal damage with or without secondary effects, unlike Abigail who can still pass negative statuses via secondary effects, making some attacks useless for Xzal.

Xzile > Xzele > Empress Xzal

Empress Mildeberg (V2)
Empress Mildeberg
Almighty Spook

ER DarknessER Magic

"Well then! In this case, I shall join you to stop the wars at once. Whoever opposes me will never want to be on my bad side anymore!"

Confident, studious, and caring but secretive and mischievous, Mildeberg is the queen of the Bloos, and the empress of the Western Arknas. Despite her secretiveness, she holds a high reputation for prioritizing the well-being of the citizens over anything else and succeeded to do so, and she is far from a push-over too; despite failing to stop the two "big light beasts", she is able to fend off those who were trying to invade her territory with the help of other loyal beings of darkness. She joins the Commander's team once she discovers that her territory is at stake.

Empress Mildeberg is among the largest playable characters, and as a result she is an easier target, but her Power and Skill are also very high, allowing her to fully exploit both her attacking Actions and offensive Abilities. She is rather slow, but she can summon four Bloos at a time to protect herself or her allies, and four of them are enough to overwhelm a fragile or support-oriented character! Like all Superlarge Characters, she cannot pass through tighter paths, making her passage rather limited.

Princess Blanstasia >> Empress Mildeberg

Apple by Drebs
Daring, but not a Fighter

ER Heart

"Since you saved my little sister, I will help you out with my healing abilities. Just be sure to not let yourselves injured too easily!"

While very daring, Apple isn't someone who mustered the the courage to fight yet. Her little sister Oshilia had been missing and will not sit down until she finally found her, saying that she had already taken full responsibility when it comes to Oshilia's well-being. Upon rescuing Oshilia, Apple will gladly join the Commander's team and help them solve other issues.

Apple is all about giving support to her allies, as she is not made for combat. In fact, her healing power tends to surpass Roll.EXE's, but Apple has worse Defense and is a bit slower, so she had to be protected. To make up for that, she have very high Skill and her Perk allows her to immediately shake off negative statuses at the next turn, thus enemies should focus on using firepower rather than gradual damage in order to take her down.

Apple > Appleline

Clair Audri (Samtendo)
Clair Audri
Brave Signer

ER MindER Sound

"I am not afraid of anything... but those two Light Dragons... they are something else! Thankfully I studied about them and I might help you on how to defeat them!"

Although Clair Audri's sight is poor, she makes up for clairaudience, being able to hear what a normal being cannot, and even sounds that not even Tempo is able to recognize. While surprisingly not budged by the wars since she knows that some heroes will solve them, it is the two Light Dragons that caused her to realize the danger of the problem and joins the Commander's squad without hesitation, as she managed to get knowledge about those two Light Dragons, including strengths and weaknesses.

Clair Audri is able to detect invisible enemies and traps, allowing her to warn her allies about them and make them visible to the player, foiling any attempts of assaults. She can also use music-based Actions to distract enemeis and even stun a boss, but her stats except Skill and Movement are average, encouraging her to take advantage of her Actions and her high Skill Movement.

Clair Audri > Clair Audini > Clair Audias

Kirby Logo
Exateno (Samtendo)
Bringer of Dreadful Light

ER LightER CosmosER Creature

"I may live down with Arch Knight defeating me... but would I ever let those reckless Guardians to mock me? This is what I will not permit!"

One of the two Light Dragons, and the much more powerful of the two. Unhappy with the Energy Seekers trying to take his EX Energy away, and seeing the Guardians daring to mocking him, Exateno decided to settle and attempt to conquer the Maizen World. But as Ultra Necrozma get on his way, he had lost his track and only managed to come in this world because of the Light Shrine's bright light... and this is a bad sign for the Commander's army. Fortunately, once he gets impressed by the squadron's skill, he decides to help them out to ensure that the problems will not happen again.

Exateno starts as a comparatively Exorb at first, but as he evolves, he clearly becomes more powerful. As he fully evolves as himself, he is easily one of the strongest playable characters the Commander can dream of using, but his huge size can be proven as detrimental as it makes him an easy target. That said, his light power and EX Energy allows him to easily demolish god-leveled and Darkness opponents alike.

Exorb > Exeton >> Exateno Ω

That One Cute Extremist

ER LightER Cyber

"You sure put up a great fight, little guys! Mind if I join you for your next fights? I promise to not pop in announced if you allow me to be in!"

A genetically made wasp-like woman who embued with EX Energy, but didn't manage to make the full extent of her power yet. As her name will imply, she is versatile, and tend to be excellent at what she's good at. She at first decided to fight the Commander's squad for both practice and because she is impressed by their accomplishments, and once defeated, she's all yours.

Like Exateno, Versapex's EX Energy allows her to make more damage against those with Omega rank and those with Darkness Category, and take resisted damage from Omega-ranked characters and Darkness attacks. However, Versapex leans much more toward the offensive presence in comparison, and if she is hit by three different enemies, her Defense will be severely lowered for the next turn. Versapex can enter her Kaiju form to double her stats but prevent her access to multiple smaller areas, and if she wants to be stealthy, it is better to stick to her normal size.

Versi >> Versapex

Temporary Allies[]

Non-Playable Allies[]



Characters' Database[]



Minor Locations[]








  • The Umbrella game was originally a game inspired by Super Smash Bros. franchise's Event Modes, but the creator feels that the game won't go far and instead opt for a game that doesn't use the Smash-like gameplay or fighting genre games in general.