Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
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you need to make a section called "What is this thing?!?" about what the wiki actually is, mainly because people don't know what fanon is -leety

Now I have a purple box to add! :D

Red is going to be Wiki Features & Controls.

Will get working on that!


Can I make a section on image editing in File:Hooly3D.png If you were intelgent you'd vote for me File:Kooltana.png

Yes you can create the page Fantendo Help:Images, but it won't be linked on the main page until about 4:00 (EST), when I'll have time to create the box like the rest of the pages have. :D


I have school to go to, but I'll make it soon enough.

File:Hooly3D.png If you were intelgent you'd vote for me File:Kooltana.png
