Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Fantendo - Meltdown is an event that follows the Magma Sentinels during a massive crisis involving Humans and the Sentinels. It takes place a bit after Fantendo - Genesis. It includes some cameos of fantendoverse characters, but it mostly revolves around the Sentinels.

Chapter 1:Escape

Scarred Flames looks up to the thriving community which he betrayed years ago, and begins to approach it slowly. The two guards scanning the area for intruders have not seem him yet, so he begins to walk faster. As he is seen the guards stumble and shout, trying to acquire their weapons from the ground. He swiftly pulls out a glass and lunges it at the two guards, and their screams are stopped by the sound of shattering glass. They were both frozen in place by whatever was in the jar.

"Sir!" A Sentinel shouted to King Ash


"Scarred... he's back, sir!"

"How the hell?! Make sure to keep him away from the city!"

"Too Late.." A distorted voice interrupts them, the sentinel that reported to King Ash was now laying on the ground, magma all dried up.

Scarred Flames pulls out a gigantic blade and snickers. King Ash grabs his sword and he leaps down.

"I thought I told you to stay away from here." King Ash readies his blade.

"I thought I'd return to drop by and say hi, and kill a few people." He laughs and lunges at King Ash, slashing at him. King Ash dodges all of the attacks but the final one, he is stricken in the chest and he falls back, trying to let it regenerate. He leaps up and keeps attacking Scarred Flame, but Scarred dodges each attack. He swipes once more and throws King Ash into the wall and sprints into a hallway as King Ash groans and picks himself up, quick to chase after him.

"Come back here!" King Ash swings through the door and slashes at Scarred, but Scarred throws a jar down, the jar breaks and smoke covers the room and as it clears, he's gone. King Ash looked at the Magma Cluster Launch Pods, irreversibly being set to launch. Try as he might, there was no way to stop it now.

"Shit." King Ash looks at the destination:

The United States.

Chapter 2:The Drop
