Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Castle Country is a game for the Nintendo Wii where there is a new area with all the Nintendo worlds being duplicated into a theme-park-like place. The Nintendo Royalty fight against a army of evil enemies called the 'Count Them'.


There are 3 different types of characters in the game:

Main Royals[]

These are the main royals in the game which you can play as. You can play as the friends on two player mode.

Other Royals[]

These royals are not playable, but they have a main role in the Country.

  • Queen Merelda
  • Golden Diva
  • Princess Butter
  • King Roland
  • Princess Elise III of Soleanna
  • King Goomba
  • King Bo-omb
  • Prince Bowser Jr.


These are playable, only not to be royalty they are friends to each other.


  • Princess Butter & King Roland appear as 3rd party for MySims and EA.
  • Princess Elise III of Soleanna Appears as a 3rd party as well along with Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Blaze for Sonic and NIGHts also represents Sega.